An emotional response to the MGR
Blind campaigner Lucy Edwards, who appeared on the Lorraine Kelly Show, voted in the UKPGE on July 4th using our McGonagle Reader. Her response was very emotional.
Read about the MGR Test History.
Lucy Edwards demonstrates the MGR
Watch blind campaigner Lucy Edwards’ transformative experience with MGR.

The MGR Improves the Blind Voter’s Experience
Two voters discuss their experience of voting at a polling station and how the MGR improves this experience.
A Testimonial
Joe Kenny who help Pakflatt with testing the MGR shares his thoughts about the system.

The McGonagle Reader (MGR)
Pakflatt developed the patented invention McGonagle®Reader in response to the 2022 Elections Act which mandates that election administrators must make provision for blind, partially sighted and disabled voters.
Introducing the Pakflatt McGonagle Reader
The McGonagle Reader (MGR) is a new patented audio voting system that enables blind and partially sighted voters to participate independently in elections. In this video, Patrick McGonagle introduces the MGR and Joe Kenny trials and shares his thoughts on the MGR.

Franklin Polling Booth Assembly Info
The booth being used by Bill & Hillary Clinton, was sold to Westchester County in New York State in May 2010 as part of an order for 837 Franklin Booths.
Cardboard Table-Top Booth
The Pakflatt table-top cardboard booth is a temporary and affordable solution for an unexpected election. The, one piece booth is easily assembled and can be disgarded after use or with care can be stored for future use.

Identity Booth Accessory
The Identity Booth Accessory from Pakflatt is an accessory that enables a veil-wearing elector to comply with the ID requirements of the 2022 Elections Act, while affording a place of privacy within the polling station.
V4 Polling Booth Assembly info
The world's most feature packed and easily assembled polling booth

Assembley Instructions for the Fortress Ballot Box
An ultra secure yet beautifully imagined ballot box solution.
Applying & Removing your Fortress Seals
A video walk through of how to apply and secure the seals to the Fortress ballot box.

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